Boxer 3.0 is a great basic skipping rope from the experts at EliteSRS.
- Durable materials for both the handle and the rope
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
- Length is easily adjustable
- Suitable for beginners with a lot of potenital for people who want to advance their skills in speed-skipping
EliteSRS Boxer 3.0 - utrolig meget sjippetov til prisen
Når det gælder sjippetove kan få producenter deres kram som EliteSRS. Boxer 3.0 modellen er én af deres basissjippetove, men man kan stadigvæk mærke deres know how i enhver detalje- fra den nemme længdejustering af det viklingsresistente tov hen til overfladestrukturen af de konisk formede håndtag som sørger for, at du altid har godt fat, selv med trætte og svedige hænder. Boxer 3.0 modellen fungerer perfekt til almindelig sjipning til opvarmining og/eller cardiotræning, men har nok "hurtigsjipningspotentiale" til at du kan lære og øve dine double-unders med det.
Not complicated. Very easy to set up and use. Super effective for just about every type of jump rope workout.
Popular with boxers, MMA, sports teams and other martial arts trainers.
Build: 14 cm indestructible plastic handles with 3 m PVC with string core
Sizing: Comes with a 3 m cord. Will fit anybody up to 190 cm tall. Snap/lock system makes adjusting length incredibly easy. Simply slide the adjustable end to the desired length and trim off the excess cord with some scissors.